DB Version Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 2/8/2013

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software Maintenance Release with the release date of 2/8/2013.

Applicant List Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord Release Notes


Applicant List

Program Version:

Program Date: 1/22/2013


1. When issuing a voucher, the Voucher Expiration Date is now editable. (Case 6309)

Path: Main Menu > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicant screen > Lists Applied For tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Issue Voucher

Bug Reports

1. Expenses were being calculated incorrectly on the Household Details Report. Expense amounts were being re-added to themselves each time you ran the report. This has been corrected. (Case 6654)

Path: Main Menu > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicant screen > Applicant tab > Print icon or Preview icon drop-down list > Print/Preview Household Details Report

2. The program would allow you, incorrectly, to remove an applicant from a waiting list if the applicant had an open offer for that list. This caused open offers to be left without a response or expiration. We have corrected this, so that you can no longer remove an applicant from a waiting list for which the applicant has an open offer. All open offers must be disposed of properly before an applicant can be removed from the affected waiting list. (Case 6661)

Path: Main Menu > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicant screen > Lists Applied For tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Remove from Waiting List

General Ledger

Program Version:

Program Date: 11/1/2012

Bug Report

1. Changes in the prior release caused the following columns to be blank on Financial Report Writer reports: Prior Year End Balance, YTD Beginning Balance, YTD Net Change, and Annual Budget Variance. This has been corrected. (Case 6621)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Ledger and HUD Reports screen > Financial Reports tab

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Program Version:

Program Date: 1/29/2013


1. We have added a function that lets you copy an existing Utility Allowance Profile. (Case 6627)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Utility Allowances > Utility Allowance Setup screen > Allowance Profile tab > Copy Utility Allowance Profile icon

2. On the Utility Allowance Setup screen, we have added an alphabetical sort option on Utility Allowance Profiles. Click the Utility Allowance Profile column header to sort alphabetically. (Case 1301)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Utility Allowances > Utility Allowance Setup screen > Allowance Profile tab

3. The prior release included an enhancement (Case 5881) adding support for MTW (Moving to Work) Public Housing tenants who participate in income-tiered flat rents. We have now added a policy in Setup that allows your agency to override the MTW Tiered rents. If the policy is set to True, flat rents will work as they did before the implementation of MTW Tiered rents. (Case 6625)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Maintain Policies > Browse Policies screen > Policy IGNORMTW: Ignore the MTW Tiered rent calculation ...

4. The Unit Information screen, accessible from the Tenant Detail screen, has a US Postal Service (USPS) abbreviation-completion feature on the Street Address field. This feature automatically reformats street addresses, in certain cases, to match USPS standards.

We have now added a policy in Setup that allows your agency to turn this feature off. If the policy is set to False, addresses will not be reformatted, but will be retained as entered. (Case 7030)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Maintain Policies > Browse Policies screen > Policy USPSAbbv: Turn on or off USPS abbreviation ...

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Unit Information icon > Unit Information screen

Bug Reports

1. When finalizing a certification that involved a unit change, the program sometimes returned an error stating "TRSFR" is not a valid integer. This has been corrected. (Case 6511)

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize Certification icon

2. For agencies using Scribe, a problem would sometimes occur in ORC in the Finalize Certification Wizard, on Step 3: Security Deposit. For those clients, the "Setup the Security Deposit for Receivables" checkbox on Step 3 would always be checked, even when not needed. We have corrected this, so that this checkbox is now checked by default only when the tenant is moving into a new unit. (Case 6876)

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize Certification icon


Program Version:

Program Date: 1/21/2013


1. This release updates all states with a 2013 tax table and updates the following states reporting changes for this year: Federal, Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Vermont. (Cases 6479, 6481-6488, 6492-6494, 6507, 6515-6517, 6523, 6626, 6854, and 6868)

We will continue to monitor the status for all states and release updated tax tables when they become available.

2. We have updated the FICA/OASDI tax rates and taxable wage limit for 2013. (Case 6466)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Payroll Setup Form screen > Settings button > Setup Income, Deductions, and Taxes screen > General tab > FICA Taxes section

3. The Contact Email field is now required by the IRS in the electronic submission file for W-2s (EFW2). We have added this field on the Prepare W2 Data screen, within the W-2 Process wizard. (Case 6900)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employer tab > Process W2 Forms button > W-2 Process wizard > Step 1: Prepare W-2 Form Data > Prepare W2 Data screen

Bug Reports

1. For agencies in Idaho, the state tax was including cents, instead of being rounded to the nearest dollar. This has been corrected. (Case 6899)
2. Voided checks sometimes failed to post correctly to the General Ledger and Check Reconciliation programs. This has been corrected. (Case 6462)

Path: Main Menu > Checks > Process Checks screen > Tools icon drop-down list > Void Posted Checks

3. YTD totals were incorrect on pay stubs printed between the last release and the end of 2012. This issue has been corrected. (Case 6468)
4. A bug related to terminated employees sometimes caused an error when initializing employee leave history. This has been corrected. (Case 2166)

Path: Main Menu > Initialize

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord

Program Version:

Program Date: 1/22/2013

Bug Reports

1. In the Outgoing Portable Move-In Billing wizard, the voucher status was not updating correctly when a tenant was marked as Outgoing Portable. This has been corrected. (Case 6345)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Portable tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Outgoing Portable Move-In Billing

2. Tenants with a zero HAP balance because of abatement, being marked for deletion, or having a searching status were showing on the Zero HAP Report. This has been corrected, so that only tenants with zero HAP for reasons other than abatement, deletion status, or a searching status now show on this report. (Case 6897)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Tenants tab

3. If you voided a check from a previous fiscal year, the void would post to General Ledger for the current fiscal year, instead of for the correct previous year. This has been corrected. (Case 6261)

Path: Main Menu > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check History tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Void Landlord Checks

4. Changes in the prior release caused the VMS gather to return no data when being run for a new month. This has been corrected. (Case 6700)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > Wizards icon drop-down list > Generate VMS

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An MRI Software Company